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1882 History - Chapter 10

[Page 101]

As has been referred to heretofore, Greenville was surveyed and platted by John Russell, in June, 1821. The court ordered June 5, 1821, “that thirty lots be sold in the town of Greenville on the first Monday in July, on a credit of six, twelve and eighteen months, payable in three equal installments, for the benefit of the county;: and it was further “ordered that the Clerk procure the insertion of the foregoing advertisement in the Edwardsville Spectator and the Illinois Intelligencer, for three weeks successively.” The proceeds of the sale of the lots to be applied toward erecting public buildings for the county.

At a court held September 4, 1821, it was “ordered that the court house of Bond County be let to the lowest bidder on Wednesday, the 19th inst., and that the Clerk give due notice by advertisement of the same.” The court met on the 19th of September, 1821. When the bids were opened, it was found that Robert G. WHITE was the successful bidder, for the sum of $2,135, and he immediately entered into bond for the fulfillment of the contract, with Andrew MOODY, Samuel HOUSTON and Elisha BLANCHARD his securities, payment of same to be notes of purchasers of town lots. At a court held December 3, 1821, the Commissioners delivered notes from sale of lots to R. G. WHITE on his contract to the amount of $1,338. The lots sold for average price of $44.60 per lot, provided the thirty lots were sold; if a less number sold, the average would be larger. Other lots were sold at various prices at private sale. By agreement between the court and the contractor, some change was made in the number of lights to be put in the windows, those below, twenty-four lights instead of twenty, and those above, twenty in place of sixteen, as per contract, and only to have two windows in each end to correspond with those on the sides in size. The glass in the windows were 8x10 inches, and to have but one chimney in place of two, as first designed, and that one in the end opposite the Judge’s seat. At this time, and for several years after, there was not a stove in the county, the old fashioned fireplace, that which yet brings to our minds the comforts of other days, was in use in every house, many of them being from four to six feet in length, and when a good fire was made in the same, resembled the burning of a log heap, such as are made when clearing timber fields for the plow. This house, made of a poor quality of bricks, was badly damaged by storms, wind and rain before it was completed. In fact, it can hardly be said to have ever been completed. Commenced in 1821, it was so nearly completed on June 4, 1822, that the court paid to Rob-

[Page 102] –ert G. WHITE, the contractor, nearly the balance due.

At this time the center of business of Greenville was at the crossing of Main and Sixth streets, in the west end of the present town. And the bad boy, of which there is sufficient evidence, was fully represented in this new town, would, for pastime and comfort, only understood by himself, gravitate, when his convenience was suited, near that public institution of justice, and with his sling in hand, under cover of the surrounding bushes, would watch the falling stone drop on those coveted 8x10 lights. The building, only half built at first, greatly perplexed the court to get and keep it in repair for the few years that it stood. They made at least two orders appointing agents at different times, to prosecute those who broke the glass, smashed in the sash, and defaced the house generally. Nothing appears on the record to show that any guilty parties were brought to justice. In the building of the next court house, which was commenced in 1829, and not completed until about 1835 or 1836, the court had the benefit of the experience of the court who superintended the building of the first one. On consultation, they thought best to try a frame building this time. Instead of the letting of the whole contract o one man, they let it out in parts. Thomas STOUT furnished most of the lumber, others hewed the timbers, some furnished the shingles. Hosea T. CAMP engaged to haul a large part of the lumber from STOUT’s Mill, and James MCGAHEY contracted to “lay the floor, partition the upper story into four rooms, run up stairs, make Judge’s seat and bar agreeable to the draft, previously season the plank in a suitable manner, furnish and put in such joists as may be necessary, make suitable steps of hewn timber at the outside doors, and have the same completed on or before the 1st day of September next (this was April 6, 1829), for which he is to be paid such sums of money as may be ascertained and fixed by three disinterested workmen, chosen by the County Commissioners, to be paid on or before the first Monday of December next.” The house was several years under contract before it was called completed, as a sale of window sash, with glass, paints and oils, was made at public sale on the 25th day of June, 1836.

This building served the people until 1853, when a contract was made in April, 1853, with Mr. Daniel W. NORRIS, to build the present court house of brick, at a contract price of $10,000. Some improvements have been added, making the total cost about $12,000. Those who witnessed its erection can hardly realize that it is now more than a quarter of a century since it was completed. Could the court have fully comprehended the growth and prosperity of Bond County at that time, they would have built more with reference to fifty than twenty-seven years. The present building is 40x60 feet, two stories high, with two jury rooms, which are used outside of court for the Stat’s Attorney and Surveyor, two rooms for the use of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk’s office, with vault for records, Sheriff’s office, and one for the County Judge, and for the holding of County Courts.

Let us go back again in this history for a moment. Although the village of Greenville contained but few inhabitants, and the county was sparsely settled from the time of its organization of the latter, until twenty years had rolled by, yet we find that the number of “taverns” licensed should have only been called for if the necessity for such could be admitted in a county containing many times the number of people in Bond County.

The tavern licenses were more designed for the sale of liquors than for
the accommoda-

[Page 103] tion of “man and beast;” but, with the granting of such license, a lists of charges that the landlord may make were attached to each permit. We give the rates made by the County Court, March term, 1827. These rates varied slightly from year to year:
For breakfast, dinner or supper – 25 cents.
Bedding, per night – 12 ½ cents.
Food for horse – 12 ½ cents.
Stable and forage, per night – 50 cents.
Whisky peach or apple brandy, per half pint – 12 ½ cents.
Rum, French brandy or wine, per half pint – 25 cents.
Gin, per half pint – 18 ½ cents.

Whilst but few can be found who can go back to the first days of the county, when we step forward fifteen or twenty years we find many who, if fifty-five years old or more, and here at the time, cannot forget the excitement generally that attended “court week,” “election” and “muster” days. The men of muscle were the heroes of that day. Each militia company had one particular man who could whip any man in any other similar company. Each neighborhood had within its borders a man who could and would, on any suitable occasion, whip any man in some other neighborhood; and last, though by no means least, one political party had each a particular man who could and would, on any pretext, whip any other man or particular man belonging to that other party.

The writer of this article, when a boy, say in 1835-36, so well understood these matters, that on public occasions referred to, or on Saturdays, he would station himself upon the fence across the street in good season opposite "Uncle Jimmy CLARK's" "grocery," as such places were then called, about 1 or 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and await the milling fun that was sure to come, especially if Chap CLANTON, Cob COFFEE, Allery ALLEN, the ADAMSes, WASHBURNes, Will COYLE, Henry HARMON, the ALBERTSes, BATEMANs or DOWDs, or many others that might to named, were patronizing Uncle Jimmy. When all got ripe, the first intimation of what was certain to follow would be first, a quick, rumbling sound, "like a small earthquake in close proximity," then out they would come, piling over each other as they came out of the door, with their coats flying thick and fast in the air, only likened by coming out of bees from their hives to swarm. As soon as a ring could be formed, they raised or lowered their names with their friends, as the tide of battle turned. If any "foul" was called, then the fight became general, and under such circumstances, the high fence upon which the writer was perched as a witness, would have to be abandoned in haste to some more distant place of safety. In later years, in 1844, in the high political excitement, when CLAY and POLK were candidates, The Democrats thought they had a man, Mr. James ADAMS, who could whip any Whig in the county. Of course, the Whigs could not stand such a challenge, or perhaps, the challenge came from the Whigs to the Democrats. With many, this was the biggest issue in the campaign, when and where would it take place! The mere mention of the subject in any crowd was enough to start excitement. On a hot, sultry day, when a great gathering of people was in the city of Greenville, these two giants were in the crowd with their friends. They seemed slow to meet each other from the fact that both kept reasonably clear of that which both knew might put them out of condition; but suddenly they came together, in the cross of Main and Second streets (between JUSTICE’s store and the southeast corner of the public square), they struck (as a bystander said), like “horses kicking.” They were both powerful men. When the fight was over, the animosity was gone, and they became better friends. Of all this long

[Page 104] list of men whose manes are mentioned, most of them were as honorable men as the community afforded, and only acted in harmony with their surroundings of the times in which they lived. Those who have lived on to the present time find no satisfaction in allowing a stronger man than they to whip him, or for themselves to find some man not so powerful as themselves, and turn upon him and force him to cry “enough.”

Liquor was common at almost every house, and a store without it would be as hard to find as the average retail store in Greenville at the present day without sugar and coffee. One thing may be said in its favor then, it was pure, and not the poisonous compound made at present under the name of liquor.

As we have said, Daniel CONVERSE was the first County Clerk for Bond County in 1817-18; Thomas HELMS in 1819-20; James JONES, June 6, 1820; Jonathan H. PUGH, March 5, 1822; Green P. RICE, August 15, 1822; James M. JOHNSON, March 23, 1823; Asahel ENLOE, March, 1825; Joseph M. NELSON, April 10, 1827; Isaac Murphy, March 2, 1829; James E. RANKIN, June 1, 1829; James DURLEY, June 30, 1830; Willard TWISS, December 31, 1831; James BRADFORD, March 9, 1836; Enrico GASKINS, September 7, 1846; J. S. DENNY, November, 1865; Robert L. MUDD, November, 1874, the present County Clerk.

James JONES was the first Circuit Clerk, in 1819. His successor was James M. JOHNSON, March 2, 1821, Clerk at the first court held in Greenville, on that date; next, David NOWLIN, September 19, 1825; Thomas MORGAN, June, 1833; James BRADFORD, October, 1836; Alexander KELSOE, 1848; John B. REID, November, 1860; J. A. COOPER, November, 1868; George S. PHELPS, September, 1872; T. P. MOREY, November, 1876, the present incumbent.

First Sheriff, Samuel G. MORSE, 1817-18; second, Samuel HOUSTON, 1819 and 1824; Hosea T. CAMP, 1824 to 1827; Lawson H. ROBINSON, 1828-1829; Sloss McADAMS, 1830 to 1846; W. K. MASTIN, 1846, and part of 1848; S. H. CROCKER, balance of 1848; Richard BENTLEY, 1 848 and 1850; Samuel H. CROCKER, 1850, and 1852; Jacob KOONCE, 1852, and 1854; Williamson PLANT, 1854, and 1856; Josiah F. SUGG, 1856, and 1858; Samuel H. CROCKER, 1858, and 1860; William WATKINS, 1860, and 1862; Williamson PLANT, 1862, and 1864; James L. BUCHANAN, 1864, and 1866; John FISHER, 1866, and 1868; John F. WAFER, 1868, and 1870; Williamson PLANT, 1870, and 1872; Andrew J. GULLICK, 1872 to 1878; John M. McCASLAND, 1878, and 1880; Andrew J. GULLICK, 1880, and 1882.

Mr. Francis TRAVIS was first County Treasurer, appointed June 5, 1819; next, James Galloway, June 6, 1820; James DURLEY, June 5, 1821; Felix MARGRAVE, March 2, 1824; Leonard GOSS, March 11, 1825; Thomas S. WADDLE, April 10, 1827; John GILMORE, March 5, 1828; James BRADFORD, March 9, 1831; Peter HUBBARD, March, 1836.

Peter LARRABE, Treasurer, 1845; John M. SMITH, November, 1851; J. F. SUGG, November, 1853 to 1854; J. F. ALEXANDER, 1854 to 1856; J. K. McLEAN, 1856 to 1858, J. S. DENNY, 1858 to 1864; Milton MILLS, 1864 to 1866; Cyrus BIRGE, 1866 to 1870; R. L. MUDD, 1870 to 1876; M. J. SHARP, 1876 to 1880; J. M. McADAMS, 1880 to 1882.

One of the first difficulties met by the people of Greenville was the supply of water needed. The first settlers, Mr. Samuel DAVIDSON, Capt. Paul BECK, Asahel ENLOE, with their families, settled near the spring on the west of the present town to obviate any trouble for water. But those settling up in the town carried all the water they used from the springs, except for washing clothes, and for that purpose went to Wash Lake, just

[Page 105] west of town; but they found it too much labor for so small return. About March, 1822, the subject of public wells was discussed. Some attempts had been made, and failed to find water within a reasonable depth. The depth necessary to find water was found to be from ninety to one hundred feet. Three wells were finally dug and curbed with wood puncheon or plank, the part under water was mulberry, “charred by fire” before using, to add, as was supposed, to its lasting qualities. The first well was dug in the middle of the street, where Main and Sixth streets cross each other, in the west end of town. The next one was in the middle of the street, where Third and College streets cross, the other at the crossing of Second and Main streets. The mode of drawing water was with the old fashioned windlass, a brake to hold on the same while the bucket was sent down. There was a frame around each well above the ground some three feet, which made it dangerous for the many boys of ten or twelve years that often had to draw from them. In 1836, whilst a son of Mr. HILDRETH, some twelve or fourteen years old, was looking over the curb into the well, when his feet slipped out, and down he went head first. It was never known whether he ever drew breath after striking the bottom. An accident also occurred at the well in the middle of the street, near the southeast corner of the public square. A Mr. William GRAY, an experienced well-digger, was employed to clean out the well. Two men were at the windlass. He was warned by some bystanders of their fears of the safety of the rope, but be fearlessly stepped into the bucket, holding to the rope or chain above, and had only made a start when the upper part of the rope or chain broke, and he was precipitated to the bottom, a distance of over ninety feet. He received internal injuries, beside dislocation of the ankle. He lived about twenty-four hours, and died in great pain. In time, these wells gave evidence of caving in, and were filled up to prevent accidents. A few months ago, the filling that had been put in this well more than twenty-five years before sunk, leaving a hole the size of the well, eighty or ten feet deep.

Cisterns have since become plentiful, and the water is so much preferred to the limestone water contained in the former wells, that no complaint is made on the question of water, except in excessive dry seasons, or when by some cause the sistern is out of order. Some of the best natural springs immediately north and west of the town are found, and the day is not far distant when they will be utilized by water-works in furnishing the town with a bountiful supply of water.

The St. Louis, Vandalia & Terre Haute Railroad is supplied with water from two of these strong springs. Nearly all trains take water at Greenville, the water giving the least trouble to their boilers of any other along the line of the road. The railroad company have made some very substantial engine houses, tanks and dams to secure the water.

In the year 1825, the Legislature appropriated $200 to aid in constructing a bridge across Shoal Creek, on the St. Louis wagon road. Before this bridge was built, Benjamin HENSON had a primitive boat at his house, a short distance below the present bridge, that was used in cases of high water. It has been stated in a preceding chapter in this boot, that Mr. HENSON was thought to have been the first white settler in Bond County, having been here in 1812 or 1813, and for a considerable time his house was a large, hollow sycamore tree, not far from the cabin he afterward built and lived in until his death, about 1848. When he first came into the county

[Page 106] the Indians were in some parts of the then large county.

At a session of the County Court held June 3, 1822, an order was made for the erection of a “stray pen in Greenville, forty feet square, to be made of posts and railing, each panel six feet high above the surface of the ground, and the posts let into the ground two feet and a half.” In this “stray pen,” the estray stock of the county was brought during the sessions of the Circuit Courts, and, perhaps, muster and other public occasions in Greenville, and any one having lost stock would go to the estray pen on these days and examine for his missing animal.

When the county was first formed, not many years had elapsed since the struggle of the Revolution, and the war of 1812 and 1814 had only just preceded the first settlement.

It would be but natural for a people who had so signally in the first and latter struggle achieved and maintained their independence, to call together their comrades in arms, with their neighbors and friends at stated periods, and refight those battles, and thereby infuse into the rising generations, who are always the hope of a country, the spirit of their fathers. Actuated by a spirit of patriotism, the people held the election of military officers, their drills and muster, as their highest privileges. The first election of military officers was held as other elections for county officers, but in later years the mode adopted was for the candidates for whatever office they desired to elect, to step out of the crowd assembled and call out, "All who will join ____ Company fall into line." This often let to much excitement, but was always kept within the bounds of good humor. Paul BECK was made a Captain as early as May 12, 1817, and Samuel DAVIDSON, Ensign, same date. John LAUGHLIN was elected Captain June 14, 1817, and John HOPTON, Lieutenant, and John WHITLEY, Jr., Ensign, same date. The troubles with the Indians in some of the northern counties, and anticipated trouble within the borders of the county, followed soon after by the Black Hawk war of 1831 - 32, kept the military companies throughout the county well organized until about 1840. Since that time it declined rapidly, until a Captain, Major or a Colonel was only a thing of the past, until revived by the active military movements in this country during the late civil war. This civil war in so enlightened and refined, this fratricidal war, now as we review it when it is passed, having seen its commencement, its continuance and its close, seems only as a dream of the past; yet it was to many hundred thousands a fatal dream.

Bond County was in the front in furnishing her full quota of brave and patriotic soldiers to defend and uphold the flag and honor of our whole country. They went promptly at every call for volunteers, carrying with them the prayers of sympathizing friends and relatives, many of whom never returned, some returning with lost or shattered limbs, or a diseased body, as can be attested by the large pension roll in our Bond County.

The volunteer companies, with their commissioned officers for Bond County, may be mentioned as follows:

Company D, Twenty-second Regiment Illinois Volunteers - Captains, James A. HUBBARD, John H. PHILLIPS; First Lieutenants, E. J. C. ALEXANDER, Lemuel ADAMS, John H. PHILLIPS, Enoch J. FILE; Second Lieutenants, Lemuel ADAMS, Edward STEARNS, J. H. PHILLIPS, Cyrus M. GALLOWAY, Enoch J. FILE, Joel B. PAISLEY.

Company E, Twenty-second Regiment Illinois Volunteers - Captains, Samuel G. McADAMS, George GIBSON; First Lieutenants, James M. HAMILTON, George GIBSON, J. M. McADAMS; Second Lieutenants, George GIBSON, J. M. McADAMS.

[Page 107] Company C, Twenty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteers - Captains, George M. KEENER, James A. DUGGER, Owen W. WALLS, Isaac N. ENLOE; First Lieutenants, Thomas L. VEST, J. A. DUGGER, Owen W. WALLS, James MANES, John MCCALLISTER; Second Lieutenants, J. A. DUGGER, E. B. WISE.

Company E, One Hundred and Thirtieth Regiment Illinois Volunteers - Captains, U. B. HARRIS, W. C. HARNED; First Lieutenants, William HARLAN, William C. HARNED, Charles W. JOHNSON; Second Lieutenants, W. C. HARNED, Charles W. JOHNSON.

Company F, One Hundred and Thirtieth Regiment Illinois Volunteers - Captains, William M. COLBY, John D. DONNELL, F. D. PHILLIPS; First Lieutenants, John D. DONNELL, Charles IVES, Fielden D. PHILLIPS, John MURDOCK; Second Lieutenants, Charles IVES, F. D. PHILLIPS.

Company F, One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Regiment Illinois Volunteers – Captain, Samuel G. McADAMS; First Lieutenant, James A. HUBBARD; Second Lieutenant, Edward STEARNS.

Company F, One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Regiment, enlisted June 6, 1864, and discharged September 28, 1864; served one hundred days; only one man died during the time, viz.: James McCANN, at Ironton, Mo., July 25, 1864.

The Twenty-second Infantry Illinois Volunteers was organized at Belleville, Ill., May 11, 1861, and was mustered into service for three years at Caseyville, Ill., June 25, 1861, by Capt. T. G. PITCHER< U. S. A. July 11, they moved to Bird’s Point, Mo. November 7, seven companies engaged in battle at Belmont, three being left to guard the transports; loss, 144 killed and missing. At Stone River, December 31, 1862, and January 1, 1863, they lost 199 men out of 342 going into action. At Chickamauga, September 19 and 20, they lost 135 officers and men out of an aggregate of less than 300 men. The severity of the battle was such on the 19th they lost ninety-six men in less than ten minutes. They were engaged in many hard-fought battles during the three years of their service, including the storming of Mission Ridge, Resaca, battle of Farmington, Chickamauga, etc. Among the many brave officers and men who had their names inscribed on the roll of honor in Company E, may be mentioned that of our lamented Capt. Samuel G. McADAMS.

The history of the Twenty-sixth Infantry of Volunteers would be almost a history of the war. They were mustered into service at Camp Butler, Ill., August 31, 1861, and, after serving four years, were discharged or mustered out of service at Louisville, Ky., July 20, 1865. The company was paid off at Springfield, Ill., July 28, 1865. The commanding General ordered the placing on their banners “New Madrid,” “Island No. 10,” “Farmington,” “ Siege of Corinth,” “Iuka,” “Holly Springs,” “Vicksburg,” “Mission Ridge,” “Kenesaw,” “Ezra Church,” “Atlanta,” “Savannah,” “Columbia,” etc., etc., as recognition of the many hard-fought battles in which they had been engaged. The One Hundred and Thirtieth Regiment of Infantry Illinois Volunteers was especially noted for bravery, of which Companies E and F, from Bond County, whilst in the services, discharged their duty nobly. They were engaged in the battles at Port Gibson, siege of Vicksburg, siege at Jackson, Miss., battle at Sabine Cross Roads, or Mansfield, where Col. J. B. REID was seriously wounded, siege of Blakely, Spanish Fort, Ala., and Mobil. Maj. J. B. REID was promoted to that of Lieutenant Colonel in this regiment for meritorious services. Dr. David WILKINS was First Assistant Surgeon, and Rev. W. D. H. HOHNSON, of Greenville, Chaplain of the regiment.

The Third Cavalry was organized at Camp Butler by Col. E. A. CARR, in August, 1861. The regiment moved to St. Louis September 25; October 1, moved up the Missouri River to Jefferson City, and thence marched to Warsaw, where they arrived October 11; on the 23d, marched toward Springfield, Me., in Col. CARR’s Brigade, Brig. Gen. ASHBOTH’s

[Page 108] Division. On November 2, Gen. HUNTER took command of the army. November 13, the First and Second Battalions moved with the army on Rolla, Mo. The Third Battalion, Maj. RUGGLES commanding, remained with SIGEL's Division, and was the last to leave Springfield.

On the 18th of February, 1862, the Third Battalion participated in a calvary charge, routing the enemy. The regiment moved rapidly from point to point as ordered and the interest of the service required, and were engaged in many skirmishes and battles during the three years they were in the service. Their active duty was at Pea Ridge, Huntsville, Grenada, Vicksburg, Chickasaw Bayou, Port Gibson, Tupelo, Okolona, and Gun Town, Miss. September 27, 1864, six companies crossed the Tennessee at Clifton, and confronted HOOD’s army; fell back skirmishing, and took apart in the battles of Lawrenceburg, Spring Hill, Campbellsville and Franklin. They were also engaged in an expedition after the Indians in 1865. Capts. Thomas M. DAVIS, J. K. McLEAN and S. M. TABOR, all belonging to Bond County, made for themselves a noble record. The regiment was mustered out of service at Springfield, Ill., October 13, 1865. During the time of service, a large number of regiment re-enlisted as veterans.

Hilliard Rifles. - The company was first organized with a view of entering the State militia, entitled the National Guards of Illinois. Charles H. BEATTY was one of the most active in securing the names that formed the first organization, effected December 30, 1878. At a meeting held at the county court house the above date, and presided over by Lieut. Col. James T. COOPER, of Alton, Ill., the following list of officers was elected; Captain, P. E. HOLCOMB, a retired Major of the regular army; First Lieutenant, S. M. INGLIS; Second Lieutenant, Charles H. BEATTY. The number enrolled in this first company was seventy-one. Maj. HOLCOMB, being a retired army officer, consequently skilled in military science, the company, under his command, became one of the best drilled companies in Southern Illinois, and enjoyed general prosperity. In December, 1878, it received the title of Company G, Fifteenth Battalion, I. N. G., and was assigned to the Second Brigade, under command of Brig. Gen. J. N. REECE, and in September, 1879, entered encampment at Camp Cullom, near Springfield. The company at this time had been recruited to the number of forty-five members, with three commissioned officers. The Hilliard Rifles, as a social organization, by this time had gained some local prominence. In November, 1880, they leased and established themselves in their commodious and well-equipped armory (hall), in which, from time to time, under their auspices, the public was treated to first-class lectures, musical and other entertainments, festivals, etc. In the fall of 1881, they again went into encampment near Bloomington, Ill., where they made a reputation and an excellent record in target practice, Lieut. ELAM representing his battalion, and doing excellent work. February 18, 1882, the company was re-organized by a new election of officers, the term of service of the fist elected having expired. Col. George C. McCORD, of Gov. Cullom's staff, and a resident of Greenville, presided at this meeting, and Lieut. S. M.INGLIS was elected Captain, C. F. THRANER, First Lieutenant, John A. ELAM, Second Lieutenant. About this time the State militia was also re-organized into ten regiments, and the Hilliard Rifles, Company G., Fifteenth Battalion, was assigned to the Eighth Infantry as Company F. It has been recruited to fifty-three men, with three commissioned officers, and in all essential respects is enjoying prosperity.

Transcribed by Norma Hass from the History of Bond and Montgomery Counties Illinois, published in 1882, Part I, pages 101-108.

Templates in Time