Samuel McCracken Probate Records
a Court of Probate held in Greenville in the County of Bond and State of
Illinois on the 12th day of September 1835, the instrument of writing purporting
to be the Last Will and Testament of Samuel McCreaken late of the County of Bond
and the State of Illinois, Deceased, was brought into Court, and was proven as
the Law Directs. Ordered that said Will be put on record of this court
which was done, and is as follows, viz-
In the Name of God, Amen: I Samuel McCreaken of the State of Illinois in the
County of Bond, being mindful of my mortality do this eighthe day of July in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirtyfive; make and
publish my Last Will and Testament in manner following:
first, I will and
bequeath unto my two sons Ephraim and Eli McCreaken my Deeded land and waggon,
to be equally divided; they being bound to pay all my just Debts;
Second unto my
beloved wife Margret my improvement where I now live also all my household
furniture and beding: also one cow and Calf;
Third unto my son Eli I will and
bequeath one Mare and Colt, two yoke of Cattle also two cows and calves and
farming utensils.
In testamony whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this
day and year first above written SAMUEL MCCREAKEN (SEAL)
Signed sealed published and Declared by the said Testator as and for his Last
will and testament in our presence who at his request in his presence and in the
presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto.
Thomas Cline (seal)
John H. Hunter (seal)
The people of the State of Illinois to all whom these presents shall come greeting
Know ye that whereas Samuel McCracken Late of the County of Bond and State of
Illinois died on or about the ____ day of _____ AD 1835 as it is said,
After having duly
made and published his last will and testament: A copy whereof is hereunto
annexed; and having at the time of his Decease personal property in this state,
which may be lost, destroyed, or diminished in value, if speedy Care be not
taken of the same; To the end therefore that the said property may be collected
and presented for those who shall appear to have a legal right or Interest
therein: We do appoint Ephraim and Eli McCraken of the county of Bond and State
of Illinois; Administrators with the will annexed; of all and Singular the
goods, Chattels rights, and Credits which were of the said SAMUEL MCCRACKEN at
the time of his Decease with full athority to secure and Collect the said
property and Debts wheresoever the same may be found in this State; And in
general to do and perform all other acts which now are, or hereafter may
required of him by Law-
Witness John Gilmore Judge of the Probate in and for said County of Bond at his
office in Greenville this ____ day of ____ AD 1835
John Gilmore Judge, PC, of Bond County
I do hear by Cietify that I in testify Decline Adinitering on the Esate of my
Deast husband Samuel McRacking given under my hand this 15th of September 1835
Margaret MCrackent
We do soemly sweare that this writing contains the true last will and testament of the within
named Samuel McCrackin deceast so fare as We know or believe, and that We will well and truly
exicute the same by paying first the Debts and then the legacies mentioned therein as fare as
his goods and chattles will thereto extend and the law charge us and that we will make a true
and perfect inventory of all such goods and chattles rights and credits as may come to our hands
or knowledg and abilities so help us God.
Ephraim M Cracken
Eli M Cracken
Administered by me Sept 15th 1835 John Gilmore
Judge of Probate B. C.
Know all men by these present that we Ephhraim McCracken Eli McCracken State of Illinois and
John W Hunter of the County of Bond and State of Illinois, are held and firmly bound unto the people of the
State of Illinois, in the final sum of five hundred Dollars commit money of the United States,
which payment well and truly to be made and performed. We and each of us, bind ourselves our
heirs Executors administrators and assigns jointly severally and firmly by these precents.
Witness our hands and seals this fifteeth day of September AD 1855
The conditions of the above obligation is such; that if the above bound Ephraim McCracken and
Eli McCracken as Administrators of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits of
Samuel McCracken Deceased with his will annexed, do make or cause to be made, atone and perfect
inventory of all and singular of the said Deceased with shall come to hands possession or knowledge
of them the said E McCraken and Eli McCracken as such administrators to the hnads of any other person
or persons for them; and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited in the Court of Probate
for the said County of Bond, agreeably to Law, and such Goods and Chattels rights and credits,
which shall be found remaining ... on the accoutns of the said Administrators, the same being
first examined and allowed by the Court of Probate, Should deliver and pay unto such person or persons,
respectively, as may be legally entitled thereto; and further do make a just and true account of all
... actings and doings therein when thereunto required by said Court. And shall in gneral do and
perform all other acts, which now are or hereafter may be required of them by Law, then this obligation to be void,
otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
Ephraim McCracken (seal)
Eli McCracken (seal)
John P Hunter (seal)
Contributed Jan 2012 by Marilyn Glenn Szum